Youngstown Village Center photo

The Youngstown Village Center

The Village of Youngstown has started the election process to elect a new village trustee.

The main race for this election is a Board of Trustees seat that was vacated when current Mayor Rob Reisman won his election last May, beating incumbent Raleigh Reynolds. That seat has to have someone fill it for the remainder of Reisman’s term, which will be for one year.

The Village Board passed two resolutions last week stating that the election will take place on May 16, with polls open from noon to 9 p.m. in the Village Center Gymnasium, at 240 Lockport St.

Youngstown normally holds its elections on the third Tuesday of May, differing from other villages in the state which hold them on the third Tuesday of March. Youngstown trustees normally serve four-year terms, with next year being a normal election cycle for the village.

Youngstown Village Clerk Wendy Brown said there have been no declared candidates yet for the opening since there has not been any caucusing yet. The Republican Party caucus will take place from 5 to 9 p.m. on March 24 at the village gymnasium.

The Village Board also appointed four election inspectors, Nancy Orsi and Richard Allen on the Republican side and Terri Carlo and Lisa Lucas on the Democrat side. There will also not be a village registration day for the election, since village voters have to register with Niagara County.

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